Our Patients’ Scoliosis Success Stories
Over the years we have treated scoliosis patients of all ages, curve types, and curve sizes. Here are a series of our patient’s scoliosis success stories. We hope that they help to explain their journey as scoliosis warriors, and that their stories can give you encouragement for your own journey!
Katie’s Scoliosis Success Story

A Scoliosis Care CentersTM veteran with over 2 years under her belt, she has proven that hard work pays off. The five x-rays below show her reduction and the strides she has made throughout her own scoliosis success story (see the video below).
While enrolled with Scoliosis Care CentersTM she has time and time again proven that a comprehensive program can and will work! It is important to remember that patient success is measured in the long term, and it takes months to achieve solid reduction and to maintain it.
Josie’s Scoliosis Success Story
Josie, a 15-year-old girl overcame scoliosis through non-surgical treatment starting when she was 10 years old here at Scoliosis Care CentersTM by Janzen and Janzen Chiropractic. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional bend and twist of the spine that can progress to the point where heart and lung function is compromised and pain becomes a factor later in life. Josie’s scoliosis treatment took 5 years but was well worth the hard work, seeing nearly 80% reduction in her curve, bringing her Cobb angle from 37° to under 9°, and living the rest of her life free from the post side effects of surgery. Thanks to her treatment, Josie has been able to pursue her dreams of modeling while continuing to play Volleyball and finishing school.
Kaylee’s Surgical Range Scoliosis Journey (“C” curve / Thoracolumbar)
Kaylee was first diagnosed with scoliosis in September 2008 at age 11. At that time, the curve was measured at 17 degrees. Doctors agreed to the “wait and see” approach and told her to come back in 6 months. As time passed, Kaylee’s scoliosis was visibly getting worse. Her body began to lean to the right from the scoliosis and was creating some difficulty walking. You can watch Kaylee’s scoliosis success story in the video below!
Jackie’s Surgical Range Scoliosis Journey (“C” curve / Lumbar)
Her scoliosis Cobb angle reduced from 90 degrees to 59 degrees and is still going down using non surgical scoliosis treatments through Janzen and Janzen Chiropractic’s Scoliosis Care CentersTM. Jackie and her family saw her curvature progress from 45° to 90° in a short period of time, while seeing other scoliosis specialists, when she arrived at SCC, it was her last effort before surgery.
Rachel’s Scoliosis Journey (Primary right thoracic with developing left lumbar)
Rachel’s scoliosis success story began when she was just 9 years old. She was out snow skiing with her family and crashed in the snow. Her back hurt a little, but didn’t really give her too many problems until 6 months later when she was trying to pick something up and her back started to hurt to the point that she was crying.
Elizabeth’s Scoliosis Journey (left thoracolumbar)
Elizabeth’s scoliosis story began at her 6th grade “Scoliosis Screening” at school when she was 12 years old. The nurse was using a Scoliometer that showed a measurement of 7 degrees of rotation. This usually equates to a Cobb angle around 3 times larger…or about a 21 degree Cobb angle. The nurse informed the parents, but really didn’t make too big a deal about it, so Elizabeth and her parents decided to hold off with doing anything. After about a year carrying a heavy back pack at school, Elizabeth’s mom noticed that her posture had gotten a little worse. That’s when they decided to go see their MD.
Brianna’s Scoliosis Journey (primary thoracic “S” curve)
Brianna started treatment with Scoliosis Care CentersTM at age 12 with an “S” curve of 38° Thoracic spine, 26° Lumbar spine. After a little over a year of training using Scoliosis Care Center’s non surgical scoliosis treatments in office and at home exercises, her curves have been reduced to 26° Thoracic spine and 15° Lumbar spine using a Scoliosis Flexibility Trainer, Spinal weighting device, Silicon Valley BraceTM, nerve stretching, and supplements with more reduction possible as she grows!
“I just can’t say enough about Dr. Matt. He’s the bomb… I’ve referred several people to the Janzens, and they always come back to me with glowing reviews…”
-Jennifer E.
San Jose, CA, USA
“My 10 year old son was having some problems for 5 years, and no other doctors were able or willing to find out what was wrong. Dr. Matt has been very helpful, and for the first time I feel like I have some answers.”
-Jessica M.
Georgetown, USA
“I feel lucky to have picked such a capable and caring doctor for my first and only chiropractic treatment. I see that his practice has grown significantly since I was a patient, which I think indicates a history of consistent quality care.”
-Josh B.
San Jose, CA, USA