Scoliosis Treatment Results

Written and reviewed for scientific and factual accuracy by Dr. Austin Jelcick, PhD and Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC. Last reviewed/edited on March 4, 2024.

Scoliosis Care Centers Treatment Results banner

Where do you fit?

No two people are the same, thus no two spines are the same; this is especially true when concerning scoliosis. There are many factors that go into determining how successful one will be when treating scoliosis and the scoliosis curve reduction one can expect. These include; initial Cobb angle, age, gender, Risser (or growth stage), compliance, the shape of the curve (C-curve or S-curve), and more. If we thoroughly understand each patient and their curve, we can then develop realistic expectations for their treatment and maximize their scoliosis treatment results.

What Is Your Curve Size?

How to Understand The Scoliosis Treatment Results Summaries

  1. Each image below is one of our patient’s scoliosis treatment results that we’ve been given permission to share. The groups are categorized by the initial curve size at the start of treatment at Scoliosis Care Centers. While not every patient’s case is on this page, the statistics represent our entire database of curves within that degree range WITHOUT filtering for compliance. You can learn more about how we measure success here.
  2. The two X-rays on each tile illustrate the before and after results. These before and after X-rays are both OUT OF BRACE. The chart at the bottom of each tile shows when the patient began care with a quarterly update of their progress. The different lines represent sections of the spine (see the legend for details).
  3. In some cases, a patient had an image or multiple taken prior to beginning non-surgical scoliosis treatment at our clinic. In these cases, the purple line (and accompanying arrow) overlayed on the chart will show when they began treatment with us.

  1. Reduction – Percent reduction from the largest Cobb angle of the baseline compared to the current Cobb angle
  2. Baseline – Initial curve degree (curve size)
  3. Current – Current curve degree (curve size)
  4. Risser at Start – Measurement between 0 to 5 identifying the state in skeletal maturity (has the patient stopped growing)
  5. Rigo Type – A specific scoliosis classification correlating with brace treatment Observation Period – Time since their first image was taken

  1. PrxT – Proximal Thoracic Cobb Angle (Upper Thoracic)
  2. Tsp – Thoracic Spine Cobb Angle
  3. TL – ThoracoLumbar Cobb Angle
  4. Lsp – Lumbar Spine Cobb Angle
  5. LSac – LumboSacral Cobb Angle

Category: 10-24°

Success Rate:


Success Rate Defined

The percentage of cases in this category that were prevented from progressing to surgical range (40 degrees)

Average Reduction:


Avg Reduction Defined

The average of ALL patients who started the program, not filtered for compliance. This includes patients who worked hard and those who did not

Our Best Reduction:


Best Reduction Defined

Our largest percent reduction on record for cases that began with a Cobb Angle between 10 to 24 degrees.

10-24º Category: Case 1 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 21 degrees
Final Curve Size: 7 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 68%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 1
Observation Period: 18 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 21 degree curve
21 degree scoliosis treatment results
10-24º Category: Case 2 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 18 degrees
Final Curve Size: 13 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 27%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 3
Observation Period: 6 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 18 degree curve
18 degree scoliosis treatment results
10-24º Category: Case 3 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 18 degrees
Final Curve Size: 4 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 78%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 27 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 17 degree curve
17 degree scoliosis treatment results
10-24º Category: Case 4 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 25 degrees
Final Curve Size: 3 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 88%
Age at Start of Treatment: 11 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 23 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 25 degree curve
25 degree scoliosis treatment results

Category: 25-39°

Success Rate:


Success Rate Defined

The percentage of cases in this category that were prevented from progressing to surgical range (40 degrees)

Average Reduction:


Avg Reduction Defined

The average of ALL patients who started the program, not filtered for compliance. This includes patients who worked hard and those who did not

Our Best Reduction:


Best Reduction Defined

Our largest percent reduction on record for cases that began with a Cobb Angle between 25 to 39 degrees

25-39º Category: Case 1 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 37 degrees
Final Curve Size: 8 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 88%
Age at Start of Treatment: 10 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 23 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 37 degree curve
37 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 2 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 29 degrees
Final Curve Size: 12 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 59%
Age at Start of Treatment: 7 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 30 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 29 degree curve
29 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 3 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 33 degrees
Final Curve Size: 13 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 62%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 8 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 33 degree curve
33 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 4 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 31 degrees
Final Curve Size: 10 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 67%
Age at Start of Treatment: 16 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 24 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 31 degree curve
31 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 5 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 39 degrees
Final Curve Size: 24 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 40%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 1
Observation Period: 19 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 39 degree curve
39 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 6 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 26 degrees
Final Curve Size: 10 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 63%
Age at Start of Treatment: 10 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 10 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 26 degree curve
26 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 7 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 37 degrees
Final Curve Size: 12 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 67%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 16 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 37 degree curve
37 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 8 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 38 degrees
Final Curve Size: 22 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 42%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 49 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 38 degree curve
38 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 9 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 30 degrees
Final Curve Size: 10 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 68%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 1
Observation Period: 32 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 29 degree curve
29 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 10 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 36 degrees
Final Curve Size: 9 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 75%
Age at Start of Treatment: 10 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 36 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 36 degree curve
36 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 11 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 28 degrees
Final Curve Size: 7 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 76%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 21 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 28 degree curve
28 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 12 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 31 degrees
Final Curve Size: 7 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 77%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 16 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 31 degree curve
31 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 13 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 30 degrees
Final Curve Size: 12 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 59%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 2
Observation Period: 28 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 30 degree curve
30 degree scoliosis treatment results
25-39º Category: Case 14 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 35 degrees
Final Curve Size: 15 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 58%
Age at Start of Treatment: 15 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 22 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 35 degree curve
35 degree scoliosis treatment results

Category: 40-50°

Success Rate:


Success Rate Defined

The percentage of cases in this category that were reduced from surgical range (40 degrees) to below

Average Reduction:


Avg Reduction Defined

The average of ALL patients who started the program, not filtered for compliance. This includes patients who worked hard and those who did not

Our Best Reduction:


Best Reduction Defined

Our largest percent reduction on record for cases that began with a Cobb Angle between 40 to 50 degrees.

40-50º Category: Case 1 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 50 degrees
Final Curve Size: 17 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 66%
Age at Start of Treatment: 9 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 60 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 50 degree curve
50 degree scoliosis treatment results
40-50º Category: Case 2 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 50 degrees
Final Curve Size: 21 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 59%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 21 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 50 degree curve
50 degree scoliosis treatment results
40-50º Category: Case 3 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 50 degrees
Final Curve Size: 29 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 42%
Age at Start of Treatment: 15 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 18 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 50 degree curve
50 degree scoliosis treatment results
40-50º Category: Case 4 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 46 degrees
Final Curve Size: 22 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 52%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 18 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 46 degree curve
46 degree scoliosis treatment results
40-50º Category: Case 5 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 46 degrees
Final Curve Size: 29 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 37%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 1
Observation Period: 3 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 45 degree curve
45 degree scoliosis treatment results

Category: 51-64°

Success Rate:


Success Rate Defined

The percentage of cases in this category that were reduced from surgical range (50 degrees) to below

Average Reduction:


Avg Reduction Defined

The average of ALL patients who started the program, not filtered for compliance. This includes patients who worked hard and those who did not

Our Best Reduction:


Best Reduction Defined

Our largest percent reduction on record for cases that began with a Cobb Angle between 51 to 64 degrees

51-64º Category: Case 1 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 62 degrees
Final Curve Size: 39 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 37%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 2
Observation Period: 10 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 62 degree curve
62 degree scoliosis treatment results
51-64º Category: Case 2 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 60 degrees
Final Curve Size: 37 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 38%
Age at Start of Treatment: 12 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 2
Observation Period: 16 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 60 degree curve
60 degree scoliosis treatment results
51-64º Category: Case 3 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 60 degrees
Final Curve Size: 40 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 33%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 17 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 60 degree curve
60 degree scoliosis treatment results
51-64º Category: Case 4 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 60 degrees
Final Curve Size: 45 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 25%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 22 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 60 degree curve
60 degree scoliosis treatment results

Category: 65+°

65+º Category: Case 1 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 90 degrees
Final Curve Size: 60 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 33%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 41 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 90 degree curve
90 degree scoliosis treatment results
65+º Category: Case 2 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 83 degrees
Final Curve Size: 64 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 23%
Age at Start of Treatment: 13 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 2
Observation Period: 35 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 83 degree curve
83 degree scoliosis treatment results
65+º Category: Case 3 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 65 degrees
Final Curve Size: 47 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 28%
Age at Start of Treatment: 7 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 0
Observation Period: 9 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 65.5 degree curve
65 degree scoliosis treatment results
65+º Category: Case 4 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 65 degrees
Final Curve Size: 48 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 27%
Age at Start of Treatment: 14 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 51 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 65 degree curve
65 degree scoliosis treatment results
65+º Category: Case 5 Result Details

Beginning Curve Size: 65 degrees
Final Curve Size: 47 degrees
Scoliosis Reduced By: 28%
Age at Start of Treatment: 17 years old
Risser at Start of Treatment: Risser 4
Observation Period: 9 months

Before and after scoliosis treatment for 65 degree curve
65 degree scoliosis treatment results

We can see from the images and results above that the scoliosis treatment results obtained by our patients and their treatment success directly relates to the size of the curve, as well as how mature the child is skeletally. The sooner we catch the curve and begin treatment, and the younger the child, the better the outcome.

This concept is explained in detail on our treatment page, but the key concepts are that (1) we can use a child’s growth as a corrective force to straighten the spine; (2) the curve has not been present as long and thus the spine is not as “stuck”; (3) treatment should be continued until the child has finished growing.

Take home message: Early detection allows for early intervention and non-surgical treatment; allowing for better treatment results and the best chance for a straight spine; avoiding surgery; and a happy, healthy adulthood!

Additional Scoliosis Treatment Results and Stories