Services: Curve Correction

Comprehensive Curve Correction Program For Children and Teens The comprehensive curve correction program for children and teens is specifically designed to attain as much straightening of the spine as possible without surgery.  This straightening is attained through the Silicon Valley Scoliosis Method for curve correction.  The goal with this program is not merely preventing worsening, …

Services: MRI Monitoring

Scoliosis Monitoring ScoliSnapTM Standing MRI Replace Harmful Scoliosis X-rays With Standing Scoliosis MRI Monitoring Studies have shown cancer can occur 5 times as often in scoliosis patients 1 due to exposure to x-rays required throughout their treatment. This problem can be completely eliminated through the use of our 3 minute standing ScoliSnapTM Scoliosis MRI Monitoring. In fact, for most cases …

Services: Screening

Scoliosis Screening SureScreen Standing MRI Stop Using Outdated and Inaccurate Screening Methods Screening children for scoliosis using visual methods can easily miss a curve, or suggest there is a curve when there isn’t one at all. While x-ray can detect a curve, it uses harmful ionizing radiation and should be avoided whenever possible. The revolutionary …

Services: List of Services

Scoliosis Services No matter where you are in your journey, Scoliosis Care Centers offers a variety of non-surgical scoliosis services to assist you. From screening and monitoring services; MRI based brace analysis and improvement; to our comprehensive Silicon Valley Method for treating scoliosis, patients and parents can find everything they need to ensure a spine …


Scoliosis Treatment for Children and Adolescents Written and reviewed for scientific and factual accuracy by Dr. Austin Jelcick, PhD and Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC. Last reviewed/edited on March 4, 2024. First published May 8, 2019. Scoliosis can be effectively treated in kids and teens without surgery; no curve should be ignored regardless of its size. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis worsens rapidly …

Education: Early

Early Detection of Scoliosis Written and reviewed for scientific and factual accuracy by Dr. Austin Jelcick, PhD and Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC. Last reviewed/edited on October 29, 2020. First published December 5, 2018. Scoliosis Care Centers has a 100% success rate when treating a scoliosis curve before it progresses beyond 25 degrees.  This means that if you begin treatment before the spinal …