
Scoliosis Treatment Results Overview This section is designed to help you gauge what results may be possible for your child using our non-surgical treatment methods. Every child or teen has unique scoliosis, and no two cases are the same. Explore the various sections to see detailed examples of our treatment results and find inspiration through …

Scoliosis Journey of Starr

My Journey with Scoliosis: From Diagnosis to Surgery Last Updated Friday July 5th, 2024. The Silent Struggles of Scoliosis Scoliosis is a condition that often remains hidden from the everyday eye, only becoming noticeable when it progresses significantly. It’s one of those silent ailments that often leads people to say, “You look fine; how could …

Services: Curve Correction

Comprehensive Curve Correction Program For Children and Teens The comprehensive curve correction program for children and teens is specifically designed to attain as much straightening of the spine as possible without surgery.  This straightening is attained through the Silicon Valley Scoliosis Method for curve correction.  The goal with this program is not merely preventing worsening, …

Education: Nerve Tension

Nerve Tension and Scoliosis Written and reviewed for scientific and factual accuracy by Dr. Austin Jelcick, PhD and Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC. Last reviewed/edited on October 27, 2020. First published November 6, 2019. Scoliosis has been treated for centuries, with some of the first treatments being described in the 5th century BC by Hippocrates. Yet despite over 2000 years of …

Services: Brace

Scoliosis Brace Treatment You or your child has been diagnosed with scoliosis, and you know you will need a brace for treatment. But which brace is the best for you or your child’s curve? Using the correct brace can mean the difference between bracing success and failure. Additionally, bracing is the only scientifically proven non-surgical treatment for curves …

Services: MRI Monitoring

Scoliosis Monitoring ScoliSnapTM Standing MRI Replace Harmful Scoliosis X-rays With Standing Scoliosis MRI Monitoring Studies have shown cancer can occur 5 times as often in scoliosis patients 1 due to exposure to x-rays required throughout their treatment. This problem can be completely eliminated through the use of our 3 minute standing ScoliSnapTM Scoliosis MRI Monitoring. In fact, for most cases …