Our Results

Want To Help Your Child Beat Scoliosis? Find Out How!

Apply now for a complimentary remote medical review with our case directors. Our team evaluates your child’s x-rays and provides an initial assessment at no charge. If indicated, the next step is an in-depth physical exam, including MRI scans, posture analysis, and a personal interview. Success hinges on your child’s commitment, and if we can help, a detailed treatment plan will be provided. If not, we’ll recommend alternative options.

schedule free scoliosis care review

Early Detection

Catch scoliosis before it becomes a problem and monitor a curve to detect the moment it changes

Patient Testimonials

Patient 1

“Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike Janzen have been treating my scoliosis since August 2013. Their utmost care, kindness, patience, and knowledge has brought my family and me in for further treatment. My scoliosis has shown improvement since I started physiotherapy at SCC. The staff makes you feel at home and I would highly recommend them!”

Patient 2

“Prior to discovering Scoliosis Care CentersTM, I had met with surgeons and specialists to help treat the awful pain and suffering I was undergoing from my scoliosis and disc injuries. All the doctors said my only option was surgery. That was not acceptable to me… After I discovered them and moved to California for treatment, I am happy to say my life has returned back to an active, healthy, and normal routine. They are the the way to go!”

Patient 3

“The doctors at Scoliosis Care CentersTM did not just save my daughter’s life. They saved the quality of her life, and she is now able to pursue her dreams of performing arts. ”

Patient 4

“My experience at Scoliosis Care CentersTM is something I can’t explain. It feels like summer camp there and I meet many people that I can relate to. The staff is great, friendly, fun, and very helpful. With everything that I have done for my scoliosis, their treatment is the only thing that has helped me.”

Patient 5

“Scoliosis Care CentersTM didn’t just save my life; they GAVE me my life back. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the genius minds at SCC. Scoliosis is only just a bump in the road. It took my life and stole my self-confidence for many years; but, it is what makes me beautiful. Thank you, SCC for saving me.”

Patient 6

“Intelligent, thoughtful, professional staff work to find the best solution for each individual. At Scoliosis Care CentersTM, you will get honest assessments on what can be done for you. I traveled over 5,000 miles to get treatment here and would be willing to go twice that. San Jose residents are extremely fortunate to have them on their doorstep.”

Discover More Success Stories

See how our patients have transformed their lives with our treatment. Read their inspiring stories and learn more about their journeys.

patients in clinic at scoliosis care centers View Success Stories

Why Choose the Silicon Valley Scoliosis Method?

  • 100% Surgery Prevention Rate — For curves 30 degrees and under, surgery is no longer inevitable.
  • In-House Engineering Team — Our dedicated engineering team harnesses advanced 3D scanning and innovative solutions to develop customized medical devices for each patient.
  • Improve Posture & Reduce Curves — Scientifically proven to reduce rib hump, spine rotation, and Cobb angle for lasting change.
  • Address the Root Cause — We treat the driving forces of scoliosis, not just the symptoms.

Backed by Science. Every part of our method is supported by peer-reviewed research and the latest in scoliosis care technology, including radiation-free standing MRI for precision treatment.

Meet Our Doctors

We believe success isn’t just avoiding surgery, it is making the spine as straight as possible.

Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC

Switch from Harmful Scoliosis X-rays to Safe, Radiation-Free MRI Monitoring