Scoliosis Risk Report
This percentage represents the likelihood that your child’s scoliosis curve will worsen with remaining growth. The calculation is based on factors such as your child’s age, Risser score, and Cobb angle, helping you understand the potential for scoliosis progression.
This indicates the probability of the spinal curve progressing beyond 50 degrees, a threshold at which most surgeons typically recommend surgery. However, Scoliosis Care Centers has extensive experience treating patients who have exceeded this threshold, and has helped them to successfully avoid surgery.
Potential Treatment Outcomes
With The Silicon Valley Scoliosis Method
Based on the information you’ve provided, including your child’s curve size and other factors, we’ve compared your case to past patients with similar factors. Below, you’ll see real outcomes from similar cases, showing how much correction we were able to achieve. This will give you a clearer picture of what to expect in terms of treatment success, including potential correction and the likelihood of avoiding surgery.
Surgical Risk after Treatment at SCC:
Surg: N/A
Desc 2: N/A
Average Reduction:
Potential: N/A
Desc: N/A
Maximum Expected Correction:
Max: N/A
descmax: N/A
Similar Case Study Results
Curve Reduction
Rib Hump Improvements
Posture Transformations
Contact Us for More Information
Email: info@scoliosiscarecenters.com
Phone: +1 (408) 379-0133
Website: www.scoliosiscarecenters.com