Kaylee’s Scoliosis Bracing Success Story
Scoliosis – Surgical range “C” curve / Thoracolumbar
Meet Kaylee
Kaylee’s scoliosis bracing success story at Scoliosis Care Centers starts over ten years ago. Kaylee was first diagnosed with scoliosis in September 2008 at age 11. At that time, the curve was measured at 17 degrees. Doctors agreed to the “wait and see” approach and told her to come back in 6 months. As time passed, Kaylee’s scoliosis was visibly getting worse. Her body began to lean to the right from the scoliosis and was creating some difficulty walking.

“Janzen and Janzen didn’t just save my life; they GAVE me my life back. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the genius minds at Janzen. Scoliosis is only just a bump in the road. It took my life and stole my self-confidence for many years. But, scoliosis is what makes me beautiful. Thank you, Janzen and Janzen for saving me.”– Kaylee
Kaylee’s curve baffled the professionals
Since the initial scoliosis diagnosis, Kaylee knew her back was getting worse. After Kaylee’s mom had pushed the orthopedic surgeons for more x-rays, the curve measured at double what it had been before. Only months after the initial scoliosis diagnosis, Kaylee’s scoliosis had progressed from 17 degrees to 39. Doctors were completely baffled at the significant growth of the curve in such a short period of time. Doctors agreed that it was time to have Kaylee fitted for a Boston Brace and prepared for possible surgery. After faithfully wearing the brace for 2 months, there was no visible correction. Kaylee’s back continued to get worse.
“We just don’t know.”
At this point, Kaylee was periodically having to use a wheelchair because the curve was so shifted to the right – she couldn’t stay upright to even walk. Doctors decided to wait until there was more evidence to suggest what was causing the significant growth in her curve.
After multiple spinal taps, EMGs, pulmonary function tests, and genetic testing, the doctors were stumped. There was nothing to help determine what was causing the scoliosis or the pain. By May 2009 Kaylee’s curve measured at 63 degrees. Breathing became more and more of a struggle as the rotation became more and more severe. She was given 5 years to live due to her crushed lungs. Through it all though, Kaylee stayed positive. She refused to let the scoliosis take over her life.
Last hope
As the doctors began to push for surgery, Kaylee’s uncle, a patient at Janzen and Janzen Health Center (now Scoliosis Care Centers), mentioned her scoliosis case to the doctors. Interested in seeing Kaylee for a consultation, they called her mom and asked to have her come in for an appointment.
In the one hour consultation with Scoliosis Care Centers, Kaylee and her family learned more about her back then they ever did with the professional orthopedic surgeons at one of the top hospitals in the country. Kaylee began treatment in August, and not once did she have a lazy day while being treated. She knew what it was like to have her life taken away, and that would never happen again. Kaylee was home-schooled to be able to complete treatments at Scoliosis Care Centers every day for up to 5 hours a day. Even though the scoliosis flexibility trainer hurt, she knew it was her only option. She told the doctors to go tighter and do more even when she felt as though she couldn’t take it anymore. Her hard work paid off in what was nothing short of a miracle and a truly inspiring scoliosis bracing success story.
At Scoliosis Care Centers, her scoliosis reduced to 15 degrees
After 6 weeks of treatments at Scoliosis Care Centers, Kaylee’s scoliosis reduced to 15 degrees. She was upright and her body centered. She could walk normally and live a pain free life. The quality of life immediately returned. She and her family couldn’t wait to go to the appointment with her surgeon to show him that she no longer had scoliosis in surgical range. They decided to bring Doctor Matt Janzen with them to the appointment just to show the surgeon just what was possible with hard work and non surgical treatment. Her surgeon was baffled by the quick turnaround that occurred and her scoliosis treatment success story. After a few years of continuing treatment and never giving up, Kaylee’s spine became stable and she stands tall at only 15 degrees.
Today, she is living out her dreams
Today, Kaylee studies musical theater at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Hollywood, CA. She’s gone on to star in musicals and plays all over the state and is hoping to one day open up her own performing arts company and a non profit organization that benefits those struggling with scoliosis in the performing arts. Kaylee and her family are so grateful to Scoliosis Care Centers and their scoliosis team for helping them.
We call Kaylee’s story one of bracing success, but it truly is a success story thanks to the comprehensive Silicon Valley Method. While bracing is crucial to hold the spine as straight as possible while it grows, Kaylee’s success was also due to the exercises and techniques used to address nerve tension; a comprehensive treatment program.
Kaylee still frequents the clinic a couple times a month to do some exercises and encourage other patients to never give up. At age 18 now, her curve is still holding stable under 15 degrees.