Beating Scoliosis Without Surgery

Beating Scoliosis: Josie’s Success Story Josie’s story is a classic example of successfully beating scoliosis here at Scoliosis Care CentersTM. Josie is now 15-year-old who was diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 9. After being diagnosed, She took the all too common “wait and see” approach for one year. Then Josie’s scoliosis worsened to a more severe …

Adult: Treatment

Adult Scoliosis Treatment Figuring out the best treatment for your adult scoliosis can be time-consuming and often leave you feeling confused and frustrated. Here at Scoliosis Care CentersTM by Janzen and Janzen Chiropractic, we pride ourselves on educating you about your scoliosis and providing a comprehensive approach to help you manage your long-term health.  Our all-inclusive …

Results: Defining Success

What are Your Scoliosis Treatment Goals? The success of any given scoliosis treatment varies depending on the type of scoliosis curve, the severity of the curve(s), as well as the age of the patient. Thus, setting realistic scoliosis treatment goals (posture corrections; curve severity; etc) and appropriate measurements of success are key. Five common scoliosis treatment goals …

Adult: Schroth

Schroth Method Exercises (Schroth Physiotherapy) Written and reviewed for scientific and factual accuracy by Dr. Austin Jelcick, PhD and Dr. Matthew Janzen, DC. Last reviewed/edited on October 26, 2020. First published January 18, 2018. What is Schroth Physiotherapy? The Schroth physical therapy method (aka Schroth physiotherapy) incorporates exercises to strengthen weak muscles and lengthen shortened muscles while breathing …

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